The Great Shaking
October 25, 2024
There is a lot taking place in the world right now; wars, natural disasters, economic instability. The world seems and unsure and edgy place at the moment. Even in the church world, everything that can be shaken is being shaken. Many leaders have fallen or have had to deal with past situations. A few have been falsely accused. the Bible tells us that judgment starts in the house of God. I’m not talking about the judgment of Hell, but a cleansing. God is cleaning house but more importantly He is cleaning the temples we live in and dealing with our hearts. With everything that’s taking place, I can only believe that God is setting the stage for something better. There’s a reset happening. But what seems to be a setback is a setup. I believe that there is a wave of God coming that will overtake the world. I believe that we are about to see God move in ways we have never seem Him move before. I believe that we are living in and stepping into one of the most critical hours in human history. I share all this with you to say, not matter what you are facing, don’t lose heart! God will restore. The season may be difficult but there is a shift coming. In order to experience the shift, we have to be willing to endure the shaking. That’s what’s taking place now. So whatever happens, hold on and stay close to God. He’s working all things out for our good.
Raising The Standard
July 19, 2024
We live in such a time where anything goes, but I don’t believe that it will be that way for long. There is a generation rising up that says we have had enough. A generation that will begin to take their position and stand in God in every arena! For so long the Church has been subject to the pulpit but we are begging to see doctors, lawyers, law-officers, and potiticians who are beginning to raise their voice for change. You my friend are the voice of the hope in this world. Because of you, people will come out of the world and step into His glorious Kingdom of light and hope. Will you be the change? Will you raise the standard? Will you be a voice of hope to the hopeless in your world and sphere of influence? Keep allowing God to use you in mighty ways. You are the difference!
The World
October 26, 2023
With everything taking place in the world, there is much room for fear as to what is to happen or what is to come. But Jesus said several things that should give us peace, such as, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34). Much of what we fear comes from wondering what will take place tomorrow. Regardless of what comes we know who holds are tomorrow and we are to not fear the future but rather trust in Gods plan for our life. We live in a time of war and rumors of wars. We see it all unfolding in the Middle East as a terrorist attack took place in Israel on October 7th, which now has spakred what is turning into a full fledged war. Despite the wars, the unsureness, and the unknown, we are to trust in Him. Here is the joy and the promise that we have: “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). We have a hope and a peace that this world cannot offer, but that can only come from Christ. Rest in that peace today.
Dust Your Feet Off
May 28, 2023
Dusting your feet off may seem like a simple act within Christianity but I assure you it has a great and even greater purpose. One of the enemy’s greatest attacks against your life is the spirit of offnense. It has kept people in bondage for years, some even decades. Offense will cripple you. It will cause you to become bitter, keeping you from achieving the purposes of God and all that He has for your life. Read this Scripture: “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet” (Matthew 10:14 NIV). Kicking off the dust means shrugging off the residue of rejection. Some of you have allowed what people have spoken over you to take root. Maybe people have hurt you and you have allowed the wound to become a bitter place of comfort. It’s time to shake off the dust. A counter or shelf that hasn’t been cleansed in a while collects dust. The dust covers it till you can no longer see it’s orginal color. It’s time to get your color back. When you shake off the dust of the attack, the attack has no ability to prosper in your life. Let’s be dust shakers! Remaining un-offended is a key to your success and victory.
When The Storms Come
March 1, 2023
One of the misconceptions of Christianity is that once saved we’ll never have to face another battle, and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. All things in this world do not become perfect but we are being perfected in Him and as stated in Romans, He does work all things together for the good of us who love Him. The truth is that the battles will come and that the storms will still continue to rage. But Jesus let’s us know something, the difference. If our foundation is built on Him, our lives will stand the test of time. any other foundation that your life is build upon will eventually be blown over. Let’s read it: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and. the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” Matthew 7:24-27 ESV. As long as you continue to build your life on the words of Christ, regardless of the storms that come, you will have what it takes to stand the test of time. Keep building a foundation on Him, and you will continue to live out a life of victory.
It Matters
October 4, 2022
Like most people, we often find ourselves in a place of wondering if the work that we are doing for God matters. We wonder if we are making impact. And we often wonder, “After I’m gone, will anything that I have done really matter?” I recently heard a quote and it stuck with me. The quote stated, “If anything matters, then everything matters.” God isn’t looking to see if we becoming ministry sensations or phenomenons, He is simply looking at the condition of our heart as we do our best to work for Him and to honor and bring glory to His Name. It’s not about the lights, it’s about the towel. Everything that we do for His Kingdom makes a difference. Jesus said that even a cup of cold water given in His name would not go unrewarded (Mark 9:41). So keep focusing on action, stay encouraged, and let God worry about the results. If it didn’t matter, you wouldn’t be here. You are here for a reason and a purpose. Let God keep using you as your press forward toward th mark. Be encouraged my brothers and sisters, be encouraged.
A Season Of Warfare
July 10, 2022
You are stepping into a season of warfare. As you do, the Lord would encourage you that even though the storm comes, even though the battle is real, even though what you are facing is fierce, it will not overtake you. I’m reminded of Peter walking on water in the middle of the storm, and as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus, he was able to stay above and continue walking upon the water. That is going to be your strategy in this next season. Even though the battle you are facing is real, it will not overtake you. Your responsibility is going to be keeping your eyes upon Jesus. As you do, you will come out unscathed in victory. Fear not, for your Lord upholds you.
The Prophet’s Word
May 3, 2022
1 Kings 17:1 NIV says, now Elijah the Tishbite from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word.” Can you imagine? Not only was there no rain until the prophet released it, but there wasn’t even any dew on the ground! But then something happened, God backed his prophet. Not only was Elijah speaking the Word of the Lord, but he had come to a place where God would not operate or release something utnil the prophet said so. As we grow in the Lord, the Lord gives us the ability to release His Word. But there comes a time, a maturing, where God expects us to operate in the authority in which He has given us. As we grow in Him we begin to learn His will and His heart. As we grow in relationship with Him, He begins to entrust the things of the Kingdom into our hands. This is the place in which Elijah was operating. God could trust Elijah because Elijah had His heart. As you grow in Christ and are faithful with little, He will make you ruler over much.
Don’t Quit
March 9, 2022
Don’t quit. We serve a God who lives to empower us through the trials and challenges of life, admist a devil who will do anything to stop us from living and serving the King of the Universe. We face trials and obstacles in life, but there is more going on behind the scenes than you may know. Some days it feels like all of Hell is coming against you, and it is. The enemy wants you to quit. He wants you to back down from the call of God on your life. His motto is, “Give up, it’s not worth it. You can’t do it anyway.” The truth is you can. You serve a God who came, lived, and overcame the entire world, including death, hell, and the grave, and He did it for you. If He can do it you can do it. Your key is going to be getting back up. You may feel down. You may even feel defeated. Despite how we feel, the empty tomb reminds us that because He lives we can. So your marching orders are to get back up soldier. You continue to push on and persevere in the face of every obstacle that says you can’t, because with God, you can and you will.
Signs and Wonders
February 6, 2022
The Bible tells us that signs and wonders will follow the preaching of the Word. in Mark 16, part of the great commission is that supernatural signs and power will follow those who believe. Do not find the supernatural unusual, as it has always been a natural part of the Christian walk. From the beginning of the church till now, God has always poured out His Spirit and backed up His Word with supernatural signs. We live in an age and culture where the supernatural is unusual, odd, and even shunned, yet it is the very heartbeat of who God is! No matter where Jesus went, you can be sure that the supernatural was there to follow. It was Jesus who declared to those who believe, “You shall do greater things than these.” As you walk with Christ, don’t be bewildered as the supernatural manifests. God wants to use you to demonstrate His Kingdom on the earth!
A New Season
January 1, 2022
A new year brings with it new promises and new blessings. Yes, there may have been obstacles you had to overcome last year, but we serve the God of victory. You may have faced failures, set-backs, and great challenges in 2021, but as you step into the new year, focus on His blessings, promises, and presence. What God has for you is far greater than anything that is behind you. Many of you are weary from having to fight your way through last year, but one of the promises that I hear for you in 2022 is, “I the Lord God will fight for you.” The battles you found in 2021 you will never see again. Exodus 14:13 NIV Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and YOU WILL see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.” I pray and declare that 2022 will be a year of blessings and mighty favor over your life. When new battles approach, let the Lord fight them for you, for His promises are yes and amen.